Grassrootsskillsfinder.com is back after an extended break due to Hurricane Maria. We are starting with a soft launch targeted at Skilled individuals, Entrepreneurs & small businesses. So go ahead. Register and post your skills or business from your mobile phone, laptop, or other device. It’s FREE. Our platform will provide exposure for your skills which can help to grow your business.
You will need an email address to register. Share your posting and site experience with us. WhatsApp us at 767-225-3132 or email us at admin@grassrootsskillsfinder.com.
For customers who need quality products & services, Grass Roots Skills Finder will be home to an online directory of homegrown individuals, entrepreneurs and small businesses with a wide variety of skills & talents. Suppliers who are reliable customer focused and provide quality products & services.
Previous Grass Roots users will be contacted reference registration and skills. We can help potential users should you need assistance. Blessings, as we journey together to provide quality products & services to Dominica & beyond.
Thank you.
Grass Roots Skills Finder Team